

The app has been designed to make it easier for people to connect with doctors remotely, including those with chronic illnesses and conditions that need regular care. Patients can also track their progress through the app, which provides them with a sense of control and transparency when accessing medical advice.




Jun 15, 2018

Tung C. Vo

As a UX/UI designer, I have a passion for creating user-friendly and engaging designs. I have experience designing for both web and mobile applications, and I am confident that I can create an exceptional user experience for your products.

In addition to my design skills, I also have strong research and analytical skills. I am able to understand user needs and requirements, and I use this knowledge to create designs that meet their needs. I am also experienced in user testing, and I am confident that I can identify and solve any usability issues.

I believe that I have the skills and experience that you are looking for, and I would be a valuable asset to your team. I am eager to use my skills to create a positive user experience for your products.

Email me at vctung@outlook.com
Email me at vctung@outlook.com
Skype vc.tung
Phone / Whatsapp +84-9085-09083

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